Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thoughts behind this blog.

                               Higher education brings the prospects of opportunities and jobs,  better opportunities lead to displacement of families from their place of origin, being away from the place of origin, brings in new values and new culture. With these change in lifestyles, most of us leave behind or fade away from our own rich culture and traditions. We also forget the importance of these festivals and why they are celebrated? What is the truth behind these celebrations and how they have become an integral part of certain cast and communities. It just dawned upon me today morning my children may want to know all about these traditions sometime later in life and I may or may not be in a position to tell them the importance and how to follow our own culture, traditions or even the savouries prepared by Maharashtrians on certain days or festivals, so the best way is jot it all down. Here all of these and many new acquired habits would be discussed in this blog.

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