Monday, April 11, 2016

रताळ्या चा किस - Breakfast item made from sweet potato

Buy fresh and healthy sweet potatoes. I am giving details of the procedure and amount of other ingredients, if we select just one big sweet potato, approximately 300 grams weight.

Sweet Potatoes
Wash it thoroughly and pat dry. Then grate it with a grater, no need to remove the skin.

Grated Sweet Potato

Powdered pea nuts

Grated sweet potato 300 grams or 3 cups
roasted and powdered ground nut seeds/ pea nuts ( with skin) 75 grams or 3/4 cup,
1 table spoon of ghee/ clarified butter, 
1 tea spoon of jira/ cumin seeds, 
2 green chillies cut into small pieces, 
1/2 tea spoon chilli powder or as per taste,

Procedure: Keep a thick bottom pan on the gas stove. Once hot, add 1 table spoon of ghee/ clarified butter. Add 1 tea spoon of jira/ cumin seeds. Let it crackle. Add green chilli pieces, let it crackle, then add red chilli powder as per taste, immediately add the grated sweet potato and pea nut/ groundnut 
powder and mix well with a spatula.

Mixing in the pan

Simmer the heat and cover for few minutes. Then remove cover, add salt to taste and mix well again. Cover again for few minutes. Sprinkle little water, to make it soft and cook thoroughly. Keep it covered until done, but also stir in between so that it does not burn.
When ready remove it from the heat and serve hot.

रताळ्या चा किस
This preparation, I learnt from my mother-in-law and has perfected it over a period of time.

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